Sunday, December 6, 2009

ex-doggie and human police officers will come

ex-doggie and human police officers, will be sent to the doggie -human police sub-station, to help guard tiger woods, while he is in his jail, waiting for trial.
20 more doggie police officers led by pearl and katie the doggies will asigned to help keep guard on tiger woods.
doggie and human f.b.i agents, led by austin and hank the very big dog.
ozzie and lucy, the dogs, are doggie police jailers, armed with dog treats and 9-mm-pistols, just in case.
molly and terri took and removed elin nordegren from her jail cell, to their waiting sports car, where she will be driven to molly and terri's youth serum, to made younger and turned back into a 10 year old little girl, there will be a 10 doggie and human police escort of police cars driving along with them.

doggie and human psychologists come to help.

a doggie psychologist named chibi ,the dog and a human psychologist named a 44 magnum hand gun ,in her brief case, just in case tiger woods and his wife started to get violent again.
2 doggie police detectives named boscoe and bailey,the daschund , hand taken all tiger woods golf clubs and the bag, that they came, to the doggie country club golf, course, to keep for them seleves.
molly and terri came in their brand new porsche doggie sports car, wearing fancy dresses, they brought enough youth serum, turn tiger woods wife named elin nordegren into a 10 year old little girl and will have her sent back to grade school, to help her deal with her temper and teach her not to chase her husband with golf club, in a angry rage.

police heilcopters came to help

10 doggie police helicopters flew from the nearest doggie and human police substation heill-port, they hovered over tiger woods and his wife, and threw dog treats out their heilcopters, at them, to calm them down.
after about 30 minutes of running to catch with tiger woods and his very violent wife, who has a very bad temper, these very doggie police officers fired trangzer darts at tiger woods and his wife, to slow them down.
one of the 10 doggie police heilcopters landed on the golf course, another 20 doggie police officers put hand cuffs on tiger woods and his wife , and them flown to the nearest doggie-human police sub-station, to be booked and put in jail.
and later, both of them, will be sent to anger mangerment.

first clinets,on first day

tiger woods and his wife elin noregren were both arrested by doggie police officers, jet and rio, for a shouting match, between tiger woods and elin norergren, which got out of hand.
tiger woods wife, named elin norergren took out one of tiger woods golf clubs tried to hit him ,with it, by chasing him, on the golf course.
phil mickelson is a very calm pro golfer ,took out his cell phone, out of his golf club bag and called the human and doggie police deptment, at mr.jeepers and herbie's city.
20 police cars drove the scene of the violent mess , at this human and doggie golf course.
10 doggie police officers, led rufus, tess, jet, rio, scooter, pippin, niles, chibi, theo and roscoe the dogs ran on the golf course, with their doggie 9mm-hand pistols drawn, they all ran as fast,as they could, to calm tiger woods and his wife, down.